Distribution & commercial

Become a global sales partner

Kingfisher operates through a stable network of high-quality sales, support & calibration partners around the world, some of which have been with us for 30 years. This is how we do business. We welcome inquiries from any person or organization that would like to become part of our network. We would expect either significant specialist expertise, or significant distribution strength into a target market.

Help for your eCommerce & web site development.

Kingfisher International aids large and small partners seeking to develop their online presence through web sites or web stores.

We have an endpoint that provides a formatted CSV list of products + variants, complete specifications, current stock, price, shipping weight etc.

We can produce data formats based on you mapping requirements.

Typical applications for such data:

  • Transform the general product data into pages into your website (e.g., description, picture, part number).
  • Integrate into procurement systems, ERPs like NetSuite, etc.
  • Integrate data into an eCommerce platform of your choice.
  • Populate a PIM (Product Information Management system)
  • Use the pre-built Shopify Import to kick-start a new + easy web store.

Enquire about distributing or reselling Kingfisher.

Commercial partnerships

Kingfisher International is a privately held Australian-owned business based in Melbourne, Australia.

We have a significant history of achievement, and are currently experiencing sustained sales growth.

If you are interested in forming a broad commercial partnership with Kingfisher, please contact a director.

© Kingfisher International, Australia, ABN 51 007 250 213